Crafts,  DIY,  Home Decor

Sooo, I did a thing… quit my job, and starting my own craft business!

Hey Y’all, I have some BIG NEWS to share with everyone!! I have worked with the same doctor for over 14 years now. She ventured out about 8 years ago and opened her own functional medical practice that has grown and become very successful. She asked myself, and a few others to join her in this journey. It has been an amazing 8 years! I adore her, and I love my job & coworkers but knew it was time for a change.

I put in my notice to quit my job!!! OH EM GEE!! I’m scared, nervous, excited, overjoyed, but mostly ready to start my own journey! Y’all, crafting is my passion! I have become pretty successful at selling the shirts and crafts that I make with my Silhouette Cameo. My Facebook business page continues to grow, my Facebook live craft videos are getting great feed back, and I have recently started my blog. I have also started a YouTube channel (literally has 3 videos, lol) where I will be sharing lots of craft and painting tips. I have sooo many ideas for things I want to incorporate into my SimplyStacey Designs business, and just did not have the time working at the doctors office. Although I am going to miss them all, they did understand and wished me well with growing my own business and success.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me on this journey, and for the well wishes, support and prayers!! I’m looking forward to this next chapter in my life, and sharing it all with all of the new friends I have made along the way.

Love & Hugs to all! Stacey