Part of our journey

You have to start somewhere right? Well, I love to make things, as you can see. I love to create, craft, make & sell! It definitely is my passion! I got my Silhouette Cameo 5 years ago, and that is when the serious crafting addiction started!
We have done many things that we have loved, and many things that we didn’t love so much. Craft booths definitely are NOT my thing! They are A LOT of work! Sooo much work goes into getting ready for a craft event, and you never know how you will do. You may make a ton of sales, and you may make very little. The amount of work that goes into the travel, the set up, the tear down was enough to set me into tears… Now, I was doing this along with working a day job at a doctors office, so I know that did not make it any easier. I would put days off, evenings, nights, weekends into getting ready for these events – it just was not for me! Now don’g get me wrong, I LOVE going to craft fairs, I just did not love setting up or tearing down for one with not knowing what you would sell, or if you would be coming home with a ton of inventory I had to store. It was just something we had to figure out along the way that was just not meant to be for us and our SimplyStacey business.