Family In Heaven distressed sign

I had a special request from a friend to make this block sign. I have seen them before, but had never actually made one. It was a challenge I was willing to take on since she had recently lost her grandma that she was VERY close to.
I knew the aprox size I wanted the blocks and base to be, so I put my hubby to work with the cutting and sanding. I went to work on my design studio on my Silhouette Cameo typing in the saying and coming up with a font that my girlfriend liked. Next, I had to find a rocking chair the right size to go with the sign. Hobby Lobby to the rescue once again! Found the perfect one back in the section where they sell doll houses… we found it in white, so had to paint it black – which was okay. Next, I painted the wooden base and blocks with white chalk paint, and distressed with a dry brush technique with black chalk paint. I normally paint my wooden signs, but this one was going to be tricky, so I decided to do the lettering with black matte vinyl. We used transfer tape for the placement, and I think it turned out perfect.
My friend absolutely LOVED her sign, and cherishes it to this day! I feel so blessed to be able to make things that bring joy to others lives! It makes my heart happy, when I can make others happy!